Monday, April 14, 2014

Let's Make it Vegetarian!

My husband came home the other day and said he wanted to start eating more meals without meat. I would like to acknowledge that I was a 7-year vegetarian before we got married; so the increase in consumption of meat is all his doing. Nonetheless, expect more vegetarian/vegan dishes!

Quinoa Pasta with Asparagus, Artichoke Hearts, Broccoli, and Cilantro

-Gluten Free Organic Ancient Harvest Quinoa Pasta
-1 Head of Organic Broccoli
-1 Bundle of Asparagus
-Head of Cilantro
-Jar of Artichoke Hearts
Salt, Pepper, & Olive Oil

We typically make this dish with wild caught shrimp, but this one is gluten free and vegan!

1. Chop veggies into small, similar sizes. Add broccoli and asparagus into a large pan with 2TBSP olive oil on medium high.
2. Cook quinoa pasta in boiling water with 1TBSP olive oil (so that it doesn't stick together) for 8-9 minutes.
3. Add the pasta into the large pan with the veggies. Add additional 1-2TBSP olive oil. Mix with oil for 1-2minutes.
4. Add artichoke hearts (I like them chopped small and my husband likes them whole--you decide) and 1/2 cup of cilantro leaves. Mix for another minute, adding salt and pepper to taste.

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